Our Attenuators allow whole house ventilation to provide fresh air throughout the home in a quiet manner

Assisting high quality ventilation whilst reducing energy consumption

When it comes to providing energy-efficient and quiet-sounding ventilation, the whole house ventilation attenuator from Caice offers a reliable and cost effective method of reducing noise in domestic environments, as well as being compliant with Part F of the Building Regulations. Part F requires consideration to adequate ventilation and noise control provision in dwellings, and also in other buildings, making our attenuators the perfect solution to allow your ventilation system to offer effective air circulation.

The whole house ventilation system we provide is also suitable for use in commercial buildings such as schools or offices. Working closely with our acoustic engineers, we have been able to develop an attenuator that significantly reduces noise than the next leading attenuator on the market, providing the best solution for air ventilation in all environments.

If our attenuators are designed for installations using circular ductwork, we are also able to offer attenuators from our CG range to suit duct sizes from 100mm to 500mm diameter, with nominal 50mm wall thickness. The ventilation attenuators are also designed to control cross-talk between rooms, making it a viable and practical product for all types of building projects.

Please visit our attenuator product page for more details, or contact a member of our sales team.

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