New Caice chilled water Fan Coil Unit range was a finalist in RAC Cooling Industry Awards 2018
Our Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit was a finalist in the Air Conditioning Innovation – Cooling (non-chiller) category – and it’s no surprise as it has a modular design with some great key benefits:
- Higher cooling outputs based upon FCU footprint, compared to the current industry standards
- Reduced Specific Fan Power (SFPs) leading to lower energy consumption
- Reliable acoustics based upon experience and testing
- Accurate modelling from bespoke software
- Improved maintenance with side access fans
- Cost savings due to smaller units and access
- Use of integral attenuation to enable small units to be selected saving cost

Bespoke FCU modelling software
In collaboration with our Fan and Coil manufacturers, we have lower SFPs and Coils with increased thermal efficiency. Combined with our experience in noise control, the Fan Coil Unit is able to run at its optimum efficiency whilst achieving the project noise targets at maximum cooling performance.
Our bespoke modelling software enables all the new innovative developments to be integrated together. In particular, the application of integral attenuators allows for increased airflow across the Coil, boosting the thermal duty available from the FCU.
The software also reports on energy efficiency to ensure we offer products that are acceptable for the building energy plan. Our modelling software is unique in that it does not have a limited number of selection points for modelling. Through detailed testing and working with expert thermal mathematicians, we have developed software that models in 1 l/s airflow increments, which allows the FCUs to be selected to achieve the required criteria and prevent oversizing.
Hours of independent thermal and acoustic testing
We have conducted over 1400 hours of independent thermal testing at BSRIA to BS EN 1397:2015 and acoustic testing at our LCP acoustic test centre to BS 4856-4: 1997. Our FCU modelling software incorporates acoustic and thermal modelling that has been ratified with the BSRIA and LCP testing program. We believe this is the most extensive testing ever undertaken for a new Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit product range and allows us to accurately model any application the FCU may be used in.
The most narrow Chilled Water Fan Coil Unit on the market
Compared to our industry benchmarks, our Chilled Water Fan Coil Units are up to 20% narrower for the equivalent performance data, meaning we have successfully designed the smallest width FCU on the market. This is particularly useful for residential projects where space is a premium.
Reduced lifetime cost
We have developed a fan scroll side access option. This unique feature reduces ceiling access panel requirement to 600mm x 600mm compared to the full width access of the FCU which is required with other suppliers. Our filter comes in a concertinaed style to also fit through the same reduced access. This is specifically of interest to residential projects with plasterboard ceilings; where cost savings can be made for smaller access panels and the reduced requirement for destructive maintenance.
Up to 60% increase in cooling capacity
With the inclusion of Caice integral attenuators in the FCUs, there is now up to 60% increase in cooling capacity. However, the real winning factor is that the Attenuators are specifically designed to impose a minimal amount of resistance on the fans which limits the impact on fan efficiency. BIM level 2 compliant models are available via our Revit Add-In to ease co-ordination and provide lifetime COBIE data for the building management.
We truly believe this Fan Coil is the best value, highest performing Chilled Water Fan on the market and if you would like to know more, simply click the button below: