Free Area of Acoustic Louvres explained

To ensure your plant functions correctly and complies with legislation

Make sure you know the % Free Area has been calculated accurately for your Acoustic Louvre application so it complies with legislation for airflow, or your plant isn’t starved of air. Otherwise you might specify an Acoustic Louvre with a higher, inaccurate % Free Area than larger, correctly sized and more expensive Acoustic Louvres.

% Free Area of Caice Acoustic Louvres
% Free Area of Caice Acoustic Louvres

BSRIA has confirmed that our method of calculating the % Free Area is in accordance with BS EN 13141-1:2019. 

BSI Standard; BS EN 13141-1:2019 section 5.4 free area states that the “Free area shall be calculated from the measurements in one plane of the air transfer device. The measurement plane shall be such that the total cross section area of the air flow passage(s) crossing the minimum.”

See our Acoustic Louvre brochure, where we provide our data in accordance to BS EN 13141-1:2019.