Excellence in Health & Safety Management

Keeping everyone as safe as possible
We have achieved an overall score of 100% for the fifth year in a row, in our annual independent audit for the way we manage Health & Safety within our company and on our clients’ construction sites.
We are proud to have received an Award for Excellence from HCS Safety Ltd.
Auditing the Caice Safety Management System
As pioneers, we set very high standards in everything we do and never want to be held back by others. Our processes are more rigorous and yet we continually improve them. To be better, to be safer and to stay ahead.
Although, once a year it is great to be independently audited against external benchmarks. To know that we comply with all the relevant legislation and that legal best practice has been achieved in each of the five areas:
Competent advice
Health & Safety policy
Competence & consultation
Working safely
Monitoring & recording

Our way of managing Health & Safety
The way we manage our processes every day of the year is the reason why we achieve such outstanding Health & Safety scores. This is because the health & safety of everyone who works with us or for us is our most important priority.
A Health & Safety Committee meets quarterly to assist in the development and review of health and safety policies and procedures for our shop floor, our regional company sites and our attendance on construction sites. Employees also receive Toolbox Talks with information being given to staff by managers, supervisors and team leaders, and have regular and informal discussions between themselves.
Committed to your Health & Safety
Our dedicated Health & Safety Administration Manager is responsible for the coordination and administration of the Company Health & Systems. As well as overseeing the PQQ (Pre-Qualification Questionnaire) Process and responsible for the Office Training Matrix.
“In order to protect our clients, employees and subcontractors it is vital that we have the best health & safety practices. To ensure that there are no risks of injury as a result of the work our company does is a critical part of being a good employer, as well as being the law. We continue to improve our Health & Safety Managements systems. We are never complacent because we have scored 100% in our annual audit, as the hard work goes on throughout the year!” Mark Macdonald, Managing Director

Competent advice
We have made significant changes to working practices over recent years and are supported continually by our external Health & Safety consultants.
“We rely on them to help us to investigate, assess and to continually improve what we do. Their advice is essential, we welcome their external constructive engagement and draw upon their expert knowledge.”
Health & Safety Policy Statement
Download and read our most recent version now.
Competence & consultation
We maintain a Training Matrix that records training carried out across all company sites. All directors with health & safety responsibility attend IOSH (Institute of Occupational Health & Safety) Leading Safety and Managing Safely training courses. Installation teams have SSSTS (Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme) qualifications for site works. Site operatives have CSCS (Constructions Skills Certification Scheme) cards relevant to the works being undertaken.
Production machinery can only be operated by individuals who have received the appropriate training by an approved and experienced member of staff. Training is logged via the Training Matrix and many machines have RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags which will not allow them to be used by anyone without the necessary training.
Sub-contractors are assessed and approved by reviewing their activities and relevant Health & Safety documentation.

Working safely
Risk Assessments have been undertaken for all tasks completed. To ensure they are seen, they are given face to face by the trainer at the same time as the member of staff is instructed on how to carry out the work.
Data sheets and COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessments contain all the relevant information. They are stored centrally and available locally and form part of the training for any process. Operatives sign a sheet to prove acceptance.
All fire plans relevant to the buildings are briefed to all persons during their induction and layouts are displayed throughout the company. Annual assessments are undertaken by an independent company for the factories and the office assessments are carried out by the Health & Safety Administration Manager and Fire Marshals.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments are completed by all new starters as part of their Health & Safety Induction. These assessments are also completed if a substantial change is made to an existing workstation (or the way it is used) or if there is any other reason to suspect they may no longer be valid, i.e., if the user starts to experience pain or discomfort.
First Aid training is recorded in the Training Matrix and adequate cover is available in all of our factories.

Monitoring & recording
A formal check is carried out on a daily basis by production staff and recorded. Health questionnaires are sent to every member of staff annually and their responses recorded and compiled in a ‘list of concerns’ spreadsheet for review and action.
Forklift trucks and most of the production machines are checked daily and 3 monthly planned preventative maintenance is carried out. PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) testing is carried out by an outside contractor and LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) and LOLER (Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations) testing is carried out by the insurance company. New and increased levels of checking are going to be introduced.
The ADI (Approved Driver Instructor) system is used to record and prompt investigation of incidents and accidents. It follows the root cause, analysis, fishbone analysis and PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle.
Safety Systems in Procurement Accreditations Achieved
We have achieved Safety Systems in Procurement (SSIP) Accreditations for CHAS, Acclaim and Avetta where external auditors assess current health and safety practices and procedures against SSIP core criteria endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). We also have Constructionline Membership which is further evidence of our commitment to reducing duplication in the supplier assessment process when it comes to our Health & Safety systems.